About the Team

Christy - Paw Crusader Pack Leader
Christy Jaeger, The Paw Crusaders Pack Leader, grew up in Australia sharing life with guinea pigs, a pet goat, horses and Weimaraners. Moving to America, she studied Veterinary science but switched to a Family Nurse Practitioner program to give her more time with her Great Dane’s. Dog show competition, experiencing life with her Great Dane Family, and engaging in canine research inspired Christy to want to help others quickly access resources and products in a centralized database to promote dog care excellence and strengthen the human/canine bond.
Other Paw Crusaders
Harley's Sister Karma, also six years young, and her two eighteen months old pups, Shahshi and Tamma.
Other relatives or friends of Harley’s sometimes visit.
Committed to Changing the World and the Perspective on Animals
This site about a squad of canines lead by Christy Jaeger teaches humans the value of showing kindness to people and animals.
Harley – Canine Cancer Fighter

Harley – Canine Cancer Fighter
Harley's recent bone cancer diagnosis spurred Christy to author the first Paw Crusader book, Harley's Harlequin Heart - A Love Tale, it imparts hope, courage, and compassion to all who read it; one small step in the Paw Crusader Team’s mission to make a difference in the human and animal worlds. Reading about Harleys journey, you will experience his and his family courage and lessons learned, sharing the hope and quality of life that can come from such a dire diagnosis. Seen through Harley's eyes, you'll get to know Harley as he grows up. You'll see how loved he is by his canine and human family, how they rally around him when he first learns he has Osteosarcoma and watch him battle as a Canine Cancer Fighter to become Harley Canine Cancer Survivor. This book is filled with fun, resources, and hope for anyone unfortunate enough to have their beloved Paw diagnosed with cancer. You'll experience life lessons and Paw Philosophy that life is precious, meant to be lived to the fullest, every moment.
Harley "Dog Boss"
Harley the Harlequin, The Paw Crusaders Great Dane protagonist, nicknamed "Dog Boss" by mom Christy, takes his boss role very seriously. Mostly deferring to Christy's requests, Harley leads the other Paw Crusaders with a fair, but notably superior attitude, requiring order and favoritism at all times. Used to being spoiled by Christy, the result of having spent more time with her, he's used to being the center of attention because he's so strikingly handsome and smart. Harley is always noticed first by strangers, and quick to manage any situation to his advantage, including how to get the most affection or food.

Helping Make Society Better
Our team is passionate about helping animals. Various Paw Crusader adventures, resources, blogs and references to proven useful products encourage people to become better Canine Carers.

Our Mission
To strengthen the Human/Canine bond and provide resources designed to give Canines exceptional Care.
Paw Philosophy
Paw Crusader Philosophy- Do Good Do Paw
This website was started so great dog care information and products could be accessed in one place, and humans could have fun in sharing in Paw Crusader adventures, hence enhancing the Human-Doggy Paw bond. Living life in the moment, giving their hearts unconditionally, motivated to love, eat, play and sleep, Paws reorient us to life's simple pleasures and beauty. No matter what our problems are, being with our Paws puts things in perspective. Sharing life with our Paws makes us better Humans. Do Good Do Paw, your Paw always does good for You.
Reach Out to Us
If you want to learn more about our book or the team behind it, get in touch with our office today. We look forward to hearing from you.